Meteorite Recon | Carancas
Meteorite search expedtions into continental deserts, meteorite features, collection specimens and photography
Meteorites, Meteorite, meteoritic, iron, meteorites, photos, pictures, in situ, strewnfield, strewn field, impact, fall, finds, Meteorite searching
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Stone, ordinary chondrite, H4-5, W0
Carancas, Chucuito, Puno, Peru
Fall: 15 September 2007, ~16:45 UTC
TKW: 342 g
Fragment 27.20 g

Walnut-sized mass that fragmented along a shock plane on one surface. Slickensides and few remnant chondrules visible. At 16:45 UTC in the afternoon of September 15 the small town of Carancas in Peru was shaken by an enormous detonation. Eye wittnesses descibed a smoke trail that had descended from the sky and exploded on contact with the ground. Windows were shattered and buildings were damaged by ejected secondary debris. A mushroom shaped explosion cloud raised from the impact site and stood several minutes above a fresh crater measuring 13 meters in diameter. Carancas is an exceptionally rare case of a contemporary stone meteorite fall that produced a crater.
Inventory #



October 4, 2015


Chondrites, Stones, Witnessed Falls