“The larger specimen has been found by the geologist F. A. Mednikov during a geological survey. The meteorite hardly seen was lying among the stones of the brook-bed. The smaller specimen was found at a distance of 20 m from the first one by I. H. Markov with a mine detector in october 1967. The main mass was turned to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.” (Meteoritical Bulletin nr. 43) In recent years Russian prospectors have found more meteorites of the Seymchan pallasite at the original find location, some of them weighing as much as several hundred kilos. Most of the material, however, is not of the pallasitic but of the sideritic phase. This is an etched fullslice showing the transition phase of the pallasitic and the sideritic material.
October 4, 2015
Finds, Stony Irons